

Darin Franzen: A Passionate Content Creator

A Short History of My Journey

I've been selling real estate properties and providing consulting services for more than 25 years. During those days, I learned and become a good storyteller. A good sales professional must tell great stories to attract more customers, and I did!

How Everything Changed

The idea of creating year content started in 2008. That year, I saw Gary Vaynerchuk, the keynote speaker of a real estate conference while I was at the back of the room working as a vendor. I have all his books, and I consume his content enthusiastically.

Gary had a model. He said that we should “make time” for our passion and create content around it. Using all modern platforms, we should publish it to “get it out there.” I was inspired, but I was employed and committed to my employers. On top of that, I have a ten-year-old daughter that has kept me occupied for a decade. Although I knew that these weren’t good enough excuses. If I wanted to do it, I will find a way.

Overcoming Fears and Starting Something New

A large part of me was afraid of the ridicule, criticism, and judgment from other people, but I am over that. I truly feel like I can handle whatever comes my way. Now, I am ready. I cannot wait any longer—I have to share my stories and ideas with the world.

I also went "cold turkey" on drugs and alcohol on January 1, 2020. So, I assure my readers that everything that comes from me is me—nothing inspired by any external chemical and no decisions made with clouded judgment. I am extremely happy and excited about that and the new journey I am about to take.

Trained for Excellence

Being an outstanding person is in my DNA. My dad raised me as champion water skier. All the hard work paid off when I became a national champion in the sport when I was 15 years old. I broke records that had been standing for more than 30 years. Those achievements have remained unsurpassed; I still hold them today.

My dad was an “eye-hand coordination” savant, teaching me lessons that I used to improve my skills. He was also an accomplished player in various athletic activities. He amassed five hole-in-ones and had four perfect games in bowling, among other countless undeniable feats in eye-hand coordination sports. Unfortunately, he passed away last year. Now, one of my goals is to continue his legacy.


My Personality

I'm real, and I'm down to earth. I also love people, and helping others feel comfortable in their own skin is something I immensely enjoy. In addition, I am a very positive person; I see a silver lining in everything, and to me, the glass is always half full.

Core Values

Aside from family should always be first, and a person must treat people the way he or she wants to be treated, I also believe in:

  • Helping Others

  • Being Positive

  • Being Kind and Spreading Kindness

  • Being Authentic

  • Being Transparent

  • Setting Unattainable Goals

  • Respecting Life

  • Respecting Your Elders

  • Being Healthy

  • Continuous Learning

  • Being Consistent

  • Being Passionate

  • Striving for Quality